Web design and front-end development for BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) Macedonia and USAID Macedonia, for the Primary School Pupils in the Republic of Macedonia (“Ученици во основните училишта на Република Македонија“) interactive database.
The 2006–2016 time period data is presented in an interactive graph — visualized as a school board. The graph can be filtered by municipality and school grades.
The graph (powered by Google Charts) includes two main indicators: the total number of pupils and the percentage of variation of the total number, during the 10-year time period.
The initial state of the Primary School Pupils in the Republic of Macedonia (“Ученици во основните училишта на Република Македонија”) interactive database
The Primary School Pupils in the Republic of Macedonia (“Ученици во основните училишта на Република Македонија”) interactive database, filtered by municipality
The Primary School Pupils in the Republic of Macedonia (“Ученици во основните училишта на Република Македонија”) interactive database, filtered by municipality and school grades
The Primary School Pupils in the Republic of Macedonia (“Ученици во основните училишта на Република Македонија”) interactive database, filtered by school grades