Responsive web design (based on Bootstrap), front-end development and graphic design for BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) Macedonia and USAID Macedonia, for the Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа — Приоритети: ветено vs. остварено“) interactive database.
The database provides access to publicly available information about the spending of the municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia, within the period of 2013 to 2016.
The landing page offers navigation to each of the municipalities through an interactive map and includes the most important summed data. Each municipality is presented on a separate (profile) page, which includes a short biography about the major, descriptions of the most important projects and municipality investments, graphical representation of the spending through the years, information about capital investments, debt and more.
The overall design is unified, clean and lightweight.
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) homepage
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) Veles municipality page
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) City of Skopje municipality page
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) homepage on a tablet
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) City of Skopje municipality page on a tablet
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) homepage on mobile device
The Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) City of Skopje municipality page on a mobile device
The biography of the Major of the City of Skopje municipality on a mobile device
Promotional Facebook cover image for the Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) database
Leaderboard banner for the Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) database
Rectangular (300×250px) banner for the Municipalities Uncovered, 2013-2016 (“Општини под лупа”) database